1月. 18, 2024

‘The resources are definitely here’

作为第一代大学生,佩吉·桑德斯(Paige Sanders)和她的家人都为在NDSU攻读学位感到自豪.

“It’s a pretty big deal for us. 无论我在学业上做什么决定,我的家人总是非常支持我. 无论是上大学还是像我父亲那样从事贸易,”这位来自威斯康辛州苏必利尔市的大二学生说. “最终,他们为我来到这里感到骄傲,我也为自己感到骄傲.”

桑德斯,一个 environmental engineering 主要, 她说,在从高中过渡到大学的过程中,NDSU的两个资源帮助很大.

一个是 TRIO Student Support Services, which provides services and support for students from diverse backgrounds, including undergraduate, 收入的资格, first-generation students and students with disabilities. 桑德斯说,这个项目的额外好处是她可以提前报名, 一个经常检查她学习情况的导师,并可以访问学习空间和导师.

“It’s an extra backbone of support when you’re getting through your degree, especially when it’s engineering,桑德斯说.

Additionally, the Engineering Leadership Learning Community helped Sanders during her freshman year. 的ELLC, 通过工程学院和住宿生活学院之间的合作而成为可能, 允许一年级工程专业学生住在Sevrinson Hall的共享社区环境中. 学生还在秋季学期参加一学分的研讨会课程,以培养工程领域的领导技能.

Sanders said the ELLC helped her make friends, 培养了终身技能,使她在团队工作中更自在.

“Engineering is interdisciplinary by nature. If you’re a mechanical, you’re going to work with a civil engineer. 如果你是一名环境工程师,我可以在施工管理部门工作,”她说. “因此,能够尽早与来自不同专业的人建立这些联系真的很有价值.”

卡罗尔Jergenson, assistant director for residential education with NDSU’s 居住生活, said the collaboration between students is one of the benefits of the ELLC.

“虽然社区里的每个人都在NDSU的专业上学习 College of Engineering, 思想和关注点的多样性使这个社区如此独特,”她说。.  


Sanders always knew she wanted to pursue a degree in engineering. 她之所以决定选择环境工程专业,是因为她在威斯康星州农村度过的童年,以及她对自然资源和帮助人们的热情.  


Achintya Bezbaruah, the interim chair of NDSU civil, construction and environmental engineering, 他说,这个项目解决了国家对环境工程师日益增长的劳动力需求. NDSU gives students hands-on courses in air, 水, 土壤环境,最近为学生投入了超过100万美元的资源.

“The program has small class sizes, with each student getting the needed attention and care to be successful,比斯巴鲁说.



According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 环境工程师的就业前景高于平均水平,预计到2032年将增长6%.

Choosing NDSU was an easy decision for Sanders. She felt at home immediately when touring campus.  

“I got connected to professors right away on the tour. 我能感觉到他们真心希望我来这里,我能想象自己在这个项目中的样子,”她说。. “校园里到处都是野牛队的精神,我喜欢这种精神,因为我是一个超级体育迷. I was going through the tour and I was like, ‘yep, this is my place.’”

环境工程教授凯利·拉什(Kelly Rusch)是桑德斯项目的导师之一. 桑德斯说,拉什非常关心她的学生,总是关注每个人的表现.

“She’s very understanding, she’s very supportive and she’s very engaging to learn from,桑德斯说. “她真的让我们自己决定我们想要在哪里获得学位,以及我们正在做的工作有多重要. I just feel like she’s really inspirational because she knows a lot, but she also pours so much into us as students.”

In addition to finding her place within the College of Engineering, Sanders is heavily involved in various organizations on campus. She is the president of Engineers Without Borders, 一个以服务为基础的非营利组织,为有需要的社区创造可持续的解决方案.


Sanders plays string bass, and is the section leader for the University Symphony Orchestra, co-section leader for Wind Symphony and is a member of the String Quintet. 在桑德斯, being involved in music programs at NDSU, which are open to all 主要s, is a way to enjoy her passions outside of engineering.

“I think it’s really important for all students, whether they’re first-gen or not, to find something like that on campus. Because if you’re just doing school all the time, no matter how much you love your 主要, you’re going to get burnt out,”她说。. “College is more than just your classes.”

她也是NDSU女性工程师协会、Kappa Delta和希腊生活协会的成员.

参与校园组织一直是桑德斯的首要任务, who wants to get the most out of her NDSU experience.

“Staying busy is a big part of who I am. I came here to get the most out of my college experience. I want the degree, I want the career. 但我也想离开这里,结交一辈子的朋友,建立联系,让这所大学比我刚来的时候好一点,”她说。. “我参与每一件事,追求我所拥有的每一种激情,因为这是你一生中最好的时光.”


“我知道你可能不太了解大学是怎么回事,不知道会发生什么,也不知道怎么支付所有的费用, but if you get out and get involved, meet people in your 主要 and in different 主要s, you’re going to find a support system,”她说。. “Every student is here because they want a degree and they want to succeed, 但我从来没见过一个人不希望周围的人都这样.”


“你能做到的, and if you ever feel like you can’t do it or you’re nervous about it, you just have to reach out,”她说。. “The resources are definitely here.”

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